
Install the stable version of slmsuite from PyPi using:

pip install slmsuite

Install the latest version of slmsuite from GitHub using:

pip install git+

Required Dependencies

The following python packages are necessary to run slmsuite. These are listed as PyPi dependencies and thus are installed automatically if pip is used to install. One can also use pip install -r requirements.txt to install these dependencies directly without using pip to install slmsuite.

Hardware Dependencies

The following python packages are optional acceleration or hardware requirements, which the user can install selectively.


We highly recommended using Jupyter notebooks for interactive computing, and also list useful packages for code profiling which can be included via IPython magic, along with other features like %autoreload 2 or %matplotlib inline which are packaged with IPython. To install recommended jupyter-related packages, use pip install -r requirements_ipython.txt.

If Jupyter is not used, the default matplotlib plots will block further execution, so the user should avoid plotting with plot=False flags on functions or develop a workaround.